Twitter account being accessed by someone else with thousands of followings? 
Thursday, May 5, 2016, 08:07 AM
Posted by Administrator
Go to profile + setting (Little picture top right)

At the bottom have a look at your twitter data?
You can see what has being accessing your twitter feed.
If an app is there that you do not use, goto the apps page and disallow it.

Now go to password and change it =)

How to mass unfollow without paying for it

Open "Following" page on Twitter ( and scroll down till all following accounts showed in the browser.

Click middle mouse button to bring up the auto scroll.
Just pull the mose down a little to make it scroll to the very bottom of the page. Might take a while if you have thousands of follows or a slow internet connection.

Now open developer console(CTRL+SHIFT+C) on current page and paste below script on console tab.

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Ark Server 
Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 08:40 AM
Posted by Administrator

Face First is now hosting an Ark: Survival Evolved server. We are from a Big Community [The Older Gamers] with PvP as the focus. You will always get a enjoyable playing experience while playing with us or against us.

Current Settings are highly reduced damage on Basebuilding Objects. Longer Daytime than Night. Higher Difficulty (300%). Food and Water lower drain. 3 times the Xp with custom player levels. 4 times taming speed. The list goes on!

Rules: Will change to make the server enjoyable for all!

Don't be a Dick!
Do not build in caves or block them off!
No cheating, hacking, duping, glitching or exploiting!

What we currently offer:

Dedicated Server -> No Lag, best performance.
Active and experienced Admin's who will help you with anything you need.
A fun experience.

Server Status
Connect through steam

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Happy New Year 2015 
Friday, January 2, 2015, 09:28 AM
Posted by Administrator
Happy New Year 2015 =)

I hope this works :/

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.:: Money Challange ::. 
Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 09:40 AM
Posted by Administrator
Save money Week 1 = $1, Week 2 = $2 and so forth until Week 52 = $52 saved =)

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.:: Web site issues ::. 
Friday, April 26, 2013, 03:25 AM
Posted by Administrator
After a few days of pulling my hair out, trying to figure what the issue is. I deleted the whole site. Tweaked a few things and am slowing replacing all the old content back in.
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