Ark Server 
Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 08:40 AM
Posted by Administrator

Face First is now hosting an Ark: Survival Evolved server. We are from a Big Community [The Older Gamers] with PvP as the focus. You will always get a enjoyable playing experience while playing with us or against us.

Current Settings are highly reduced damage on Basebuilding Objects. Longer Daytime than Night. Higher Difficulty (300%). Food and Water lower drain. 3 times the Xp with custom player levels. 4 times taming speed. The list goes on!

Rules: Will change to make the server enjoyable for all!

Don't be a Dick!
Do not build in caves or block them off!
No cheating, hacking, duping, glitching or exploiting!

What we currently offer:

Dedicated Server -> No Lag, best performance.
Active and experienced Admin's who will help you with anything you need.
A fun experience.

Server Status
Connect through steam

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