:givemebeer .:: Hot looking Galant ::. 
Friday, October 31, 2008, 08:04 AM
Posted by Administrator
This is one hot galant.

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:computer .::Fedora - Linux install ::. 
Sunday, October 12, 2008, 08:19 AM
Posted by Administrator

Just installed Fedora 8 -Linux operating system.

Downloaded, burned to a CDR disk.

Rebooted, Used the live version. Boot from CD drive.
Used a blank Hard Drive for the install.

So far all good :bat

Just downloaded all the updates 290mb worth.

Check related link for complete install step by step instructions I used to get my puter to were I want it :yahoo
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:jester .:: Joke Time! ::. 
Monday, August 25, 2008, 04:30 AM
Posted by Administrator
A lorry has arrived in Beijing loaded with barbed wire and wooden posts.
Turned out to be the Irish fencing team. :bananadance

Genetic scientists in America have used DNA from Michael Jackson and
Arnold Schwarzenneger to create a clone.
They have called it Michael Wasanigger. :bananadance

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:baby .:: Baby Logan ::. 
Friday, August 1, 2008, 01:42 PM
Posted by Administrator
Baby Logan Michael.
Born at Christchurch Womens Hospital on the 01/08/2008 at 4:42pm.
He was 7.9 pounds and 56 centermeters long.

Baby Logan's Album.
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:steeeringwheel .:: 18" Konig Mags ::. 
Sunday, June 29, 2008, 09:35 AM
Posted by Administrator
Finally got my 18" * 7.5" Konig wheels for my car!

Tyres are Accelera Series PHI 225 * 40 * ZR18"
I've had a few issues so far, one did not seal correctly, so was flat after a few days.
Broke the ratchet trying to get the wheel off.
After getting a power bar from the suppliers of the wheels to take the wheel off. Took it in the repaired there fault, but did not put the chrome cap back on the wheel.
so I have decided I'm going to keep there power bar!

Just need to paint the spokes the same colour as the car to finish them off :yahoo

In the process of braking my ratchet I have brought some new Gear Wrench Spanners, 8mm - 19mm and a set of - GEARWRENCH 3PC ADAPTOR SET METRIC -

How does it work ???????

The smallest one fits into your 10mm ratchet spanner and turns that in to a 1/4" Ratchet.

The medium one fits into your 13mm ratchet spanner and turns that in to a 3/8" Ratchet.

The large one fits into your 19mm ratchet spanner and turns that in to a 1/2" Ratchet.

** All you have to do is insert the adaptor into the specified wrench.
** Press the button to attach and detach drive tools.

They all have a "Push button quick release system" (tool locks on until button is pushed) and they also have a built in speed disc.

* All the adaptors are chrome plated.
* Works with most makes of ratchet spanners.
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