:5shots .:: What did we do b4 utube, boradband ......::. 
Thursday, August 5, 2010, 01:05 PM
Posted by Administrator
We Were Soldiers

What made my childhood and why she was different than the children of today? This text brings it to the point.

"We were heroes. If you were born after 1978, which has nothing to do with you.

Today's children are wrapped in cotton wool!

If you lived as a child in the 70s or 80s, it is difficult to believe in retrospect that we were able to survive for so long!

As children we were sitting in cars without seat belts and without airbags.

Our cribs were painted with colors full of lead and cadmium. The vials from the pharmacy, we were able to open without difficulty, just like the bottle of bleach. Doors and cabinets were a constant threat to our fingers and on the bike, we never wore a helmet.

We drank water from the taps and not from bottles. We built cars from soap box and discovered during the first ride down the slope that we had forgotten the brakes. We were clear after a few accidents.

We left the house in the morning to play. We stayed away all day and only had to be at home when the streetlights came on.

No one knew where we were and we did not even have a phone there!

We have cut us, broke bones and teeth, and no one was sued for it. There were just accidents. No one was to blame but us Nobody asked for "supervision". Can you still in "accidents" remember?

We fought and beat each other, sometimes green and blue. So we had to live, because it did not interest the adults especially. We ate cakes, bread and butter, drank a lot and have not won too thick. We were drinking with our friends from one bottle and no one died as a result.

We did not have:

Nintendo 64
Video games
64 TV channels
Movies on video
Surround Sound
own TV
Internet chat rooms
We had friends!

We just went out and met them on the street. Or are we simply marched to their home and rang the bell.

Sometimes we did not even ring the bell and went in easily.

Without an appointment and without the knowledge of our mutual parents. No one brought us and no one picked us up.

How was that possible?

We thought games with sticks and tennis balls. We also ate worms. And the prophecy came not include: The worms did not live in our stomachs for further and with the sticks we put out is not very many eyes.

When street football was allowed to join only one who was good. Who was not good to learn, had to cope with disappointments. Some students were not as smart as others. They failed a grade and repeated classes. This led at that time not to parents' emotional or even to change the performance evaluation.

Our actions have consequences sometimes. It was clear and no one could hide. If one of us has failed to break the law, it was clear that the parents it does not automatically hew out of the mess. On the contrary: they were often the same opinion as the police! Something!

Our generation has produced one cases of innovative problem solvers and inventors with risk. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility. With all this, we did deal with it.

And you belong to.
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:givemebeer .:: Au1 (round 2) Travian Victory for WAU ::. 
Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 05:26 AM
Posted by Administrator
One complete year on this server, ended 22nd June 2010 with a WAU victory :yahoo.

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:sniper .:: Battlefield Bad Company 2 Giveaway ::. 
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 12:22 PM
Posted by Administrator

Thanks to EA NZ, TelstraClear & ClearnetDeluxe have hundreds of Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC beta keys to give away to our valued customers, forum frequenters, and game server supporters!

To receive a beta key, simply post here in this thread, answering:

What class in Battlefield Bad Company 2 are you most looking forward to playing? (Medic, Assault, Recon or Engineer)

We'll distribute the beta keys to the users who get in first via PM, with some conditions*

Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC Beta Information

The PC beta code will be valid from 29 January 6AM!!! – 26 February 2010 (adjusted for NZT)

Where to Download the Beta
We'll distribute with many partners as possible to ensure the fastest DLs no matter your location around the world. Current know locations and methods will be EADM, Steam, Torrents (only get this from legit sources, i.e. an RSP*), and all our RSP's.

Getting Started In the Beta
STEP 1: Make sure you have at least 5GB free on your HDD and then download and Install BFBC2! :-D
STEP 2: Once installation is completed (install size will be around 1.5GB) start the client and click the login button. You will then be prompted to sign in with your EA Account. If you don't have an EA Account you'll be able to create one in the same screen. (You may also create your EA Account in advance HERE)
STEP 3: Enter the unique PC Beta Code during the log in process to authenticate your participation in the Beta.
Step 4: Create your Soldier name (this will lock that name to your EA account for retail if you want to keep it).

Conditions* To receive a beta key you must have registered and posted from a New Zealand IP address, or have been a ClearnetDeluxe member with a post count of at least 30 posts. (For you Australians)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Squad Stories 2 Video

Goto for more details :)
Clearnetdeluxe Forums
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:help .:: Fully's Village selection Guide ::. 
Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 10:24 PM
Posted by Administrator
Village Selection 101

I have noticed from my experiance sitting people accounts, that a lot of people select the wrong type of land for what they are building.
Then they will try and build every troop they can in every single village.
This is the wrong way to do things. 1 building you should only be producing 1 type of troop there but are some execptions.

Idealy you shouldent be building offensive and deffensive troops in the same villages.
Unless they are your raiding troops.

The more villages you build troops from the more expensive it gets.
Every other village that you build troops in it will cost you a heap of resource. That means another blacksmith or armoury then the upgrades for those troops, when you could of used your first village to build more troops.

There are only 3 types of villages you need. Offensive, Defensive and supply villages.

Here are some examples of selecting a good village.
It doesnt matter what tribe you are if you use these prinaples you wont go wrong!

Offensive village, tribe gaul, troop swordsman.
First look at the cost of training these little guys!
Cost Swordsman
wood, clay, iron, crop, consumpion
I have 2 options here
Look for a land that has this Land distribution 3,4,5,6 or 4,4,4,6 with iron oasis.

Defensive village, tribe Teutons, troop spearman
Cost Spearman
Look for a land that has this Land distribution 5,4,3,6 or 4,4,4,6 with 1-2 wood oasis.

And so on.

Building out of a cropper: I don't do this. But doing so Is a lot easier to manage. Talk to me if you want to know more about this =)
No matter what troops you produce you need supply villages.

Idealy it doesnt matter what the other lands produce as long as its a 5 of what you want to produce.
You dont need to build the othertiles to 10 or build all three mills only the lumber mill if its a 5 wood land that you have selected.

You will produce 1750 per hour with 2 oasis. That is pretty good for a non capital village!

Wood Supply.
Look for a land that has this Land distribution 5,4,3,6 with 2 wood oasis.

Clay Supply.
Look for a land that has this Land distribution 3,5,4,6 with 2 clay oasis.

Iron Supply.
Look for a land that has this Land distribution 4,3,5,6 with 2 iron oasis.

Once you have maxed out the tiles, Next is to max out your market.
Then you can then max out the cropland tiles and use this village as troop storage.
If its offensive troop storage make sure your supply villages are not on the other side of the map, as it will take days to get your hammer together.

Best bang for your buck! =) :givemebeer

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:fightsword .:: Travian online Game ::. 
Monday, January 4, 2010, 11:05 PM
Posted by Administrator
:fightsword .:: Travian online Game ::.

One of my villages in ~ Travian ~ 15 cropper =)

Register to the server you want to join for AU/Nz, there is 4 servers at the time of writing this.
Two servers AU1/AU2 go for 300 days roughly and the AUX server runs for 100 days as it is three times faster.

Good luck have some fun and look me up :D

Some more pics.
Cost of the cropland 18.
I need 2 more warehouses for this upgrade.

Were would they go?

World Map =)

Rally Point to see were your troops are =)

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