:cop .:: Map removed ::. 
Saturday, April 28, 2007, 02:37 AM
Posted by Administrator
bunkers_n_bloodyv2_dm.bsp has being removed as it crashes the server :(

not sure why it does this?
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:censored :weeping .:: CABLE MODEM OUTAGE NOTIFICATION ::. 
Saturday, April 28, 2007, 02:20 AM
Posted by Administrator

Dear Customer

Due to continued increase in demand, we are required to carry out an upgrade of our cable network in the Wellington/Kapiti and Christchurch regions.

To carry out this upgrade, a temporary outage of your cable modem service is required. If you have Digital TV with us, this outage will also affect the EPG and Pay-Per-View booking system.

The outage will occur within a period of 6 hours on:

The morning of Sunday the 29th of April 2007 between 00.01am and 06.00am.

The expected impact on your individual service is no more than 10 minutes.

You may need to turn your cable modem off and on again at the wall to re-establish connection after the outage.

I hope its not needed :/
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:jester .:: Joke Time! ::. 
Wednesday, April 18, 2007, 10:03 AM
Posted by Administrator
baa-baa bigcock have you any sperm?
yes mam yes mam 2 balls firm,
non for the girlfriend and non for the ex,
all for the dirty bitch reading this message!

We will now upgrade your sexlife, please wait.....

ERROR: no sexlife found,
keep masturbating.

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:coffee .:: Kp Download site ::. 
Sunday, April 15, 2007, 08:49 AM
Posted by Administrator
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:shout .:: Kingpin IRC channel setup ::. 
Thursday, April 12, 2007, 10:35 AM
Posted by Administrator
You want acces to a kingpin IRC channel.
I have set one up at irc://ausirc.net/kingpin
Just point your irc (mirc) to the above address.
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