Friday, June 15, 2012, 03:41 PM
First time I got the game running, I spawned on the coast and it was pitch black.Standing there wandering what is this?
Moved away from the tres, and noticed the moon light was reflecting of the water, and could hear the waves crashing on the beach. Seen a silhouette of a light house in the distance. So I headed in that direction, scaring zombies or they were scaring
I ran a long the coast towards this lighthouse, with the zombies in tow.
I started to swim for this Island, After about 10-15 minutes I was regretting it.
Got to the Island and had a look around, climbed the light house not a lot there.
Got used the inventory.
Then fell off some rocks to my death!
Respawned somewere else close to a town, Chernogorsk.
Pretty much search through the whole town over 3-4 days.
Learned quick what building had what, with the guides on youtube and some loot maps I found on google. With also exploring at the same time.
I was pretty kitted out or was full up on stuff I thought I needed.
So I decided to head north.
Found Green mountain.

Found the North West Airfield.